Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Houston's Haircut

Houston got a haircut yesterday and looks so cute that I had to share it with you all.
They even put a patriotic bandana on him. He doesn't keep it on forever but it is cute while it lasts.
We have the cutest dog in the world!
(How many times can I say cute?)

My cute students!

I am playing catch up today. I was getting some pictures off my camera and saw this one that made me smile. About a week before school got out, I got a TERRIBLE pain in my back. It turned out that I had kidney stones. If you have had them before you know how much they hurt. If you never have, pray you never will. It feels like you want to die. Anyways, I ended up in the hospital and missing 4 days of school. My cute students made me a banner and hung it on my garage. When I got home from the hospital, there it was! It made me so happy! In case you can't read it, it says "We love you Mrs. Guy" with all their signatures and a few messages.

Schools Out For Summer (well. . . sort of)

So we have not been the best at keeping our blog updated. Things have been a little hectic for the last few weeks but hopefully life has calmed down. I finished teaching for the summer about a week ago. I am going to school now though. I have a math class I am taking 3 days a week through the month of June. So even though I am out of school, I am still in school. Fun for me!!! Clayton is going to school during the summer too so I guess I can't complain that much.

Last weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to attend my 10 year High School reunion. I can't believe I have been out of High School for 10 years (I feel really old). It was really fun seeing "the group." We don't get together as often as we used to. It was interesting to see how much people have changed over the last 10 years and how much some people have stayed the same. I am glad I went but I am not sure I am going to go to another reunion.