Thursday, July 31, 2014


So last week I was driving up to my in-laws and was lucky enough to be able to meet one of American Fork's fine Police Officers. I rolled past a stop sign.

Totally my fault, not trying to argue that point. It was as a T-intersection and I was turning right and was the only car in the intersection, but never the less, I choose to treat the sign more like a Yield than a Stop. Where my real complaint is - why are some traffic laws enforced and others totally ignored. After this friendly chat with the officer I tried to obey all traffic laws for the rest of that day. However, there are two sections of Interstate 15 where you are transitioning to the 215 that the speed limit drops to 50 MPH. If you actually slow down to 50 MPH you will however most likely be rear ended by cars still going 70+. This happens both getting on to 215 from the 15 and the again getting on I-15 from the 215. Is this ever monitored? And if not shouldn't it be, or at least reviewed to see if the 50 MPH really is what it should be marked as.

Other complaint - with everything being on computers these days why do I have to wait a week before I can call the police station to get information on my ticket, like cost and traffic school registration. I could understand a one day delay because they might need to sync things at night, but a whole week?!

Monday, July 07, 2014

Thank You Notes

I came back from vacation last week to find a thank you note sitting on my desk keyboard. It was a hand written note (written by a co-worker's wife) thanking me for thinking of them when getting rid of Ben's old bike. It was no big deal, we had recently given Ben a bigger bike and were going to get rid of his smaller bike - it would have ended up at DI. Instead I found out a co-worker had a son almost 3 years old so asked if he wanted it and gave it to him. I was glad to do it. Getting the thank you note was awesome - I wish I did things like that. I need to be better at just saying thank you - my new goal is to try and start hand writing thank you notes. I added some to my wish list so I will remember to actually get some.

I hope you will do that same - say please, remember the thank you and for those real special times write a hand written note. It will make you happier and I promise it will make the recipient of the note happier too - it's like giving away smiles.