Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I hate being sick!

This last week, my brother get sick from his kids. I thought it had passed me, we ussually don't make each other sick. But I guess my system was weak, so babysitting his kids on Friday didn't help. I woke up Saturday morning not feeling that well.
We planned on going on a bike ride and I didn't want to let him down so I went. I felt better as I biked - well at least at the begining. After about 6 miles, we stopped for a little break, and I decided to leave my breakfast on the side of the road. Feeling better at that point I decided to keep going, well after another 6 miles or so I threw up again. Last time I did that on the ride. (We got the whole thing on video using the AV500)
I am still glad we went on the ride, I probally should have only gone the first 6 miles and then turned arround, but it was good for me. I went home afterwards and sleep (stayed in bed) the rest of the day. I was feeling fine when I woke up on Sunday. Sadly, Lisa was sick, she stayed in bed all day. I think she was worse than I was on Sat.
I just hate being sick - it makes it where you can't do anything. We were going to go down to Manti for the Temple Pagant there - didn't. On Sunday we were going to go to my In-Laws for a little Father's Day celebration - didn't go to that either.
We are both luckily better now.

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