Saturday, September 06, 2008

Some pics of our cute little 'guy'!

Just a couple of hours after his birth. Awake and wondering what this new place is all about.

First car ride, all bundled up and safe. Mommy rode in the back just to make sure.

Sleeping - his favorite thing to do.

Grandma came for a visit and he was happy to sleep there too.

Mid burping, he gets comfortable and is right to sleep.

Houston is loving him, except that little Benjamin does take a lot of Mom's lap time, so when Ben is willing to share or is not on her lap, he is.


scrapmomof5 said...

LOVE all the pictures. He is sure cute. Take advantage off all that sleeping time!

Mandy said...

Still SO excited for you guys but I kinda still can't believe it either! He is sooo cute and seems to be soooooo good.

Tammy Faye said...

He is sooooooo cute. Lisa love your dedication to Oquirrh as you wear the t-shirt! Keep those pictures coming they are fun to see!!!!

Megan Royle said...

He is so cute. I can't wait to hold him. We think he and Trey must have been best buds and decided to come at the same time. Take care. Love ya!

Kelli said...

O my goodness Lisa...he is just beautiful!!! I am so happy for you! I can't wait to love on him!